Mobile Services

About mobile vet specialists

Experience tells us that your pet will be more comfortable with their regular vet in familiar surroundings, and so will you. This is why we offer an experienced mobile service, with a team that will come to your vet. We specialise in both surgery and medicine.

I'm a pet owner

Our mobile veterinary specialist service is where one of our VSOS specialists comes to your local vet practice, to partner with your local vet to treat your pet. This is not only convenient, but affordable, and keeps your pet with the vet you know and trust.

I'm a vet

The VSOS mobile specialist service is where one of our specialists comes to your local vet practice to treat your patient in partnership with you. This is not only convenient, but affordable, and keeps your patients with you, the vet they know and trust.


Not all local vet practices have specialist vets onsite, nor do they always have the advanced medical equipment often required to diagnose and treat small pets. Because of this, VSOS are the perfect partner for your practice, or your pet’s local vet.


Experience tells us your pet will be more comfortable with their regular vet in familiar surroundings. Which is why we offer an experienced mobile team who can treat and operate on a wide range of illnesses and conditions in their vet clinic.

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